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Hello and thank you for visiting my website!

My name is Ian Scheiner.

I provide psychotherapy services to adults, teens, children, and families, as well as dating counseling for men and women. I am based in Seattle Washington, but also provide virtual therapy via Zoom, Hangouts, Skype, or phone sessions to folks in other locations.

If you’ve seen a therapist before, you may already be familiar with the feeling of relief that can accompany a session with counselor you really trust. If you’ve never seen a therapist, it can feel a little bit intimidating, or even shameful to make that first appointment. As someone who has been on both sides of the therapy couch, I understand that it’s not always easy to trust someone you don’t know with intimate details of your life’s experience. I also understand that when you meet a therapist that you really connect with, it can lead to profound positive changes.

It’s important to find a therapist who’s the right fit for you – Someone who will connect with you authentically, help you to feel safe throughout the process, yet challenge you to grow.

I believe that change begins with awareness of one’s present experience – our body’s sensations, our thoughts, our emotions, and our beliefs. It’s amazing how much of our present experience is conditioned or “programmed” from entities outside of ourselves – family, schooling, social circles, media… through our present experience, we can catch glimpses of how we’ve been conditioned, and learn to “reprogram” our psyche in a way of our own design, through self-compassion.

It takes courage to decide to step into any kind of change in life, and my goal is to help you feel supported every step of the way on your journey to a happier life and a higher potential.

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